Code Complaints

Home / Services / Code Complaints

Learn about code enforcement violations and how you can submit complaints online.

Please note that the city, in an effort to better serve you though consistent record keeping, complaint tracking, and reporting, will route all complaints through this portal.  Emailed or older paper Property Complaint forms will be entered into this system as soon as practical.  You can access this portal through any web connected computer, smartphone, or tablet.  A computer for public access of the portal is available at City Hall.  

Have you seen blight, long grass/ weeds, illegal parking, or other code enforcement violations in your neighborhood? If so, submit an online complaint, and it will be automatically routed to the appropriate department for investigation. 


Getting Started is Easy

  • 1.


    Learn what is and isn't a code violations.
  • 2.

    Submit a Complaint

    Once you're sure it is a code violation and you have the address of the location of the complaint you can submit your complaint online, if you've taken photos please include them with your request.