Create a License

In this training, you'll learn how to create a license over the counter in citizenserve.

Hi, this is Misha from citizenserve. Today. Let's create a license over the counter.

We'll start on Thomas's dashboard. He's the licensing clerk for the town of New Buena Vista. Remember that each installation is configured for that jurisdiction. So the dashboard metrics, reports, applications, and options that I show you may not match what you see in your citizenserve environment.

If you're curious about any of the functionality you see in this training submit a support request and we can help.

Now to create our license First we'll look to the navigation bar on the left and find the create file menu. Use the plus sign to expand the menu. Here's another place your view might look different than mine. You'll only see the file types you have permission to create.

Let's select license.

The business name is new Buena Vista travel agency. So I'll enter that in the business name field.

The business is located at 638 price.

I can enter it into the address Fields, but you can also use these fields to search for an address. I'll type price in the street field and use the search button to display all addresses on price and now I'll select 638 price.

When we add the property address it populates our file information here.

We see the property owner information plus intake and other information fields.

If this is a non-billable license, you can set it by checking this box.

I'll hide these details by clicking the eye icon and the system will remember these settings in my next application.

In the license information section, I'll select my license type and subtype.

Once you select your subtype that create route modal displays.

Only appears if you have an automatic workflow route defined for this license type.

You can uncheck any activities that aren't required. For instance. If the city manager doesn't need to review this application. I can uncheck the task to remove it from the route.

If you'd like to select a different workflow use the X to close this window and if you only have manual routes created you won't see the route model appear at all. And you can add a route after you've saved this form.

Because I use the X to close this modal window. I've not added a route to my application.

Next I'll add the applicant in the applicant field drop-down. I see the property owner from the partial data. If your applicant doesn't own the building or ownership has changed use the add contact button to add the new user.

Citizenserve doesn't want you to create duplicate contacts. So on this screen, we need to search for existing contacts.

Enter a small amount of data like the user's first and last name, or their email, or their phone number.

If I entered too much information, but some of those details don't match an existing record. I risk excluding the correct contact and creating a duplicate.

See what happens when I search for Ginny Smith and enter a phone number? I get no records, but when I search for just Ginny Smith, I see a contact at 950 Stratford.

With a little confirmation from the business owner. I find that I have the right Ginny in my system already. I'll click her name and that will add her as the applicant.

My status defaults to under review and our application displays below.

I'm going to fill in the required fields on this application. Those are indicated by the red pipe. Don't worry. If you are an applicant forgets one the system will remind you before you can submit.

Under business information. I'll select the primary type of business.

I'll enter their state Ubi number.

I'll upload a copy of their state license.

I'll add a general business description.

Anytime you add a contact to a contact field on the application that person is able to manage the license through the online portal.

The mailing contact field already lists Ginny as the applicant and Karen the property owner.

Let's add Jane the accountant by clicking the add contact button and searching for Jane.

Note the emergency contact field is a text entry.

If I add Ginny's partner here, they won't be able to access this license through the portal.

Now let's enter the next code which is set up as a searchable field when I start typing my search word travel. The results are reduced as I continue to type when I start to add agency the system identifies the correct entry. I can select with my keyboard arrow and enter or I can pick it with my mouse to continue.

Since I've reached the end of this section, I'll collapse the business information header and continue on to the ownership information.

Our Fields can be set up with dependent questions that pop up if needed. So if I select nonprofit I get a prompt to add a form but when I select sole proprietor, that field is hidden.

The next field is a custom table that holds the list of owners or officers. This field type is a great fit. If you need to capture an unknown number of entries you determine the columns of data to collect for each entry and it will hold as many rows as the applicant enters.

I'll enter a row for the owner of the company.

I can add a new row by using the tab button or by clicking the add row button.

Since I don't need either of these I'll delete them off.

The next few sections are related to my reviewing departments and ask questions specific to their review.

Planning wants to know if the business has assembly or educational use this travel agency does not.

They will not have a hundred or more employees arriving to work in the morning.

Building wants to know if this space will have a change of use and it will not.

And fire wants to know if we'll have these safety systems installed.

And now I'm ready to upload some documents. You can attach digital files to the application by selecting browse. This PC in the document field dropdown.

Let's pull in the driver's license.

I'll pull in the state business license the same way.

And I'll skip the site plan.

In the fee schedule section, I'll select the reporting method.

This application is configured to drive fees based on FTE or total hours.

Your system may be set up to take a flat fee to charge by square footage gross receipts or some other calculation.

When I select reporting by FTE, I'm prompted to enter that value.

So I'll enter two.

The other fields are staff only so I'll skip those my application includes a signature field so I can collect that over the counter with a stylus and a pad.

And now we'll save the file to create the license project.

Now I can take a payment or apply a manual review route.

And that's how you enter a license on the staff side of citizenserve.

If you'd like additional training or have questions about what you've seen submit a support request and we're happy to help.