Portfolio Category: Training-Licensing

Create a License

In this training, you'll learn how to create a license over the counter in citizenserve. [accordions] [accordion title="Transcript"] Hi, this is Misha from citizenserve. Today. Let's create a license over the counter. We'll start on Thomas's dashboard. He's the licensing clerk for the town of New Buena Vista. Remember that each installation is configured for that jurisdiction. So the dashboard metrics, reports, applications, and options that I show you may not match what you see in your citizenserve environment. If you're curious about any of the functionality you see in this training submit a support request and we can help. Now to create our license First we'll…

Add Payments

In this training, you'll learn how to: - add payment to a project containing multiple applications - add payment directly to an application - add payment to multiple files on a contact record - edit payment allocations. This training applies to permit and license project types.