Permit and License Software Data Conversion

Our team developed custom systems in the 1990s for state and local government completing many major projects in community development, case management and financial systems. For the past 13 years we have worked exclusively in community development and have extensive experience working with community development data such as permitting, licensing, inspection and enforcement data. We have extensive experience with legacy systems and the architecture of systems development and databases extending back to the late 80s. In our business we are frequently tasked with migrating data from twenty year old systems and getting it done efficiently and quickly. Our approach is to first complete the setup of your permit and license applications and fees in Citizenserve. Then we map the data from legacy systems to the Citizenserve setup. Once this is complete we write a migration script and run a test migration. We do walk-throughs with key users to make sure files are getting setup properly. We have a test migration environment where we can do this or we run the migration into production. All migrated records are marked so we can delete the migration and rerun it. With Citizenserve we can do the migration before going live, we can also do the migration after the system is live. Some of our customers opt to start using Citizenserve for new records and close out files in their older systems. Depending on the implementation plan, we can also run the migration by department if the departments are going live separately.

Some of the systems we have experience with migrating data: Permits Plus, Black Bear PTWin, Accela, Sungard HTE, and Comcate. We have extensive experience with all legacy file based systems such as Paradox, DBase, Access and flat file structures. And experience with client/server database products including Oracle, Informix, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL and Pervasive SQL.